Returns Policy
If you have changed your mind about an order or an item you have received, please let us know by email to
You have 14 days from the day you that receive an item to notify us that you wish to return it and specify the reason why. You then have a further 14 days to return the item - we recommend that you use a signed for service with proof of postage. Please note that you will bear the cost of returning the item.
We will refund you within 14 days of receiving confirmation of receipt of the returned item or if you cancelled your order before the item was sent to you, within 14 days of your email to us cancelling the order. The refund will cover the price you paid for the item but not postage costs unless the item is faulty.
The following items are not returnable: perishable items, items which are personalised or bespoke or made to specific requirements, items which cannot be returned for hygiene reasons.
We hope that all items arrive with you in perfect condition but if you do receive an item that is faulty, please email with details and if possible, a photograph of the issue, so that we can try to resolve things as soon as possible.